dance like no one is watching

Growing up as a competitive dancer, I always danced knowing people would be watching. Somewhere along the line, I forgot what it was like to dance just to dance. To move my body in whatever way felt good, and to feel the energy coursing through my being after dancing my heart out.

Dance became more of a sport than an opportunity for expression. Studio culture put perfection on a pedestal, and pushing through illness or injury was an unspoken expectation.

I remember learning from a very young age that there is such thing as a ‘dancer body’ and that even if someone had a ‘dancer body’, they wouldn’t have it for long. I remember resenting my feet for being naturally turned in, my belly for not being flat, and my inability to stick a triple pirouette or acro trick. I never questioned if it was the system and culture I was growing up in that was the problem. I just believed I was.

Over and over again in life, I’ve found myself ‘leaving’ dance and then aching for it. It wasn’t until recently that I realized … it wasn’t dance I’ve been ‘leaving’, just the toxicity of the culture I’ve experienced it in up until now. I’ve learned that I am not the problem, AND I have it within me to reclaim and redefine who I am as a dancer.

No longer do I need to ache for dance, because dance is something I can do anytime, anywhere, especially when no one is watching.

This freedom of expression is like a balm for the wounds of my past. This freedom of movement allows me to rewrite the stories that I no longer believe to be true. This doorway to dance activates my Aura like no other.

I’ve said before that there aren’t really spaces for people like me to go out and dance within Brampton. I’ve longed for a space where I could feel safe to just listen to music and move freely. Somewhere that the energy feels inspiring and the vibes are far from the dense fishbowl of a nightclub. Where you have space to move around, sit down, take a break, or really set yourself free.

It is not lost on me that I’ve been creating that space within The Aura House, typically known for its yoga and pilates classes. There are no rules that say only yoga can happen in our Sanctuary :P And if you really think about it, freeform dance is a natural embodiment of the 8 limbs within Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

The time has come for those of us with dance in our DNA to share space and move, breathe, be free, and DANCE like no one is watching ✨

Join us for our first official Aura Dance on Friday, February 9th from 6-7pm

Aura Dance is an ecstatic dance experience where you learn the language of your body to experience freedom of expression. There’s no choreography or performance, just moving in ways that feel authentic to you. No rhythm or dance experience required. This class is specifically for those who identify as female and/or non-binary and/or queer. 

Register with your Membership or purchase a drop in class pass here:


“I left my first class thinking … ‘This is where you come and do Yoga.’” 


yoga isn’t just a New Year’s resolution